Data Science A-Z™: Real-Life Data Science Exercises Included

Learn Data Science step by step through real Analytics examples. Data Mining, Modeling, Tableau Visualization and more!
Category : Data Science
4.5 (2467) 4626 Students

What you'll learn

Successfully perform all steps in a complex Data Science project. Create Basic Tableau Visualisations. Perform Data Mining in Tableau. Understand how to apply the Chi-Squared statistical test. Apply Ordinary Least Squares method to Create Linear Regressions. Assess R-Squared for all types of models. Assess the Adjusted R-Squared for all types of models. Create a Simple Linear Regression (SLR)



In this course you WILL experience firsthand all of the PAIN a Data Scientist goes through on a daily basis. Corrupt data, anomalies, irregularities - you name it!
This course will give you a full overview of the Data Science journey. Upon completing this course you will know:
How to clean and prepare your data for analysis
How to perform basic visualisation of your data
How to model your data

Course content



This course includes
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion