
Join us in changing the way the world interviews Accelerate your career with a company serving millions

We are on a mission to bring out the best of online interviewing and recruitment, so that our customers can accomplish more. Our product is used by millions of people across many industries including sales, recruiting, customer success and education..

What’s it like to work at HiringMirror?

We’re obsessed with providing an elegant, delightful experience for our customers. This shapes how we develop, design, market, support and work as a team. We treat each other with respect and understanding, put first things first and never settle. While we’re results driven, we always make time to learn, grow and celebrate our accomplishments
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Case Study: Competency & Talent Funnel Management

"As a Multi-National Company with global presence our goal was to find one platform that we can recruit based on fine grained technical assessments integrated into existing ATS. "

Case Study: High Volume Technical Recruitment

"As a leading banking institution with operations in 30 countries, we leveraged Video interviews and EAP(Enterprise Assessment Platform) to succeed in scalable recruitment processes globally."

Case Study: Skill Mapping Of Government Body

"We find HiringMirror assessments to be accurate in identifying skill gaps and creating highly targeted recruitment drive with efficiency of nearly 100% in procuring right talent."

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