Java Full Stack Course Spring boot and Angular

There is a lot to learn about the Angular framework, which can be a bit daunting especially for beginners. But the good news is that there are some parts of the framework that are used much more often than others.
Category : Angular Java Spring Boot
4.5 (2229) 3584 Students

What you'll learn

Code in Github repository with downloadable ZIP files per section
Feel comfortable using the most commonly used features of the Angular framework
Learn how to built micro-service application using Spring boot


Just some HTML, CSS and Javascript

  • Java
  • Spring Framework
  • Maven


Angular Description

There is a lot to learn about the Angular framework, which can be a bit daunting especially for beginners. But the good news is that there are some parts of the framework that are used much more often than others. In fact, in Angular you will be using 10% of its features maybe 90% of the time!

If you are going to learn Angular, why not focus first on the features that you will be using all of the time, and leave the more advanced parts for later in your learning process?

Course Overview

This course is a beginner-friendly introduction to the Angular framework. In this course, we are going to start by setting up your development environment, and we will use the Angular CLI to quickly scaffold a small Angular project from scratch.

Using this initial playground, we are then going to answer some of the most common Angular questions:

Why Angular, what are its main advantages and key features? We will answer this by demonstrating how the change detection mechanism works, and introduce some of the Angular template syntax.

We will then cover the most commonly used parts of the Angular framework that you are going to be using all the time: Components, Pipes, Services and Core directives, among others.

Table of Contents

This course covers the following topics:


  • Custom components with @Component

  • Components @Input and @Output, event Emitters

  • ngFor

  • ngIf

  • ngClass

  • ngStyle

  • ngSwitch

  • Built-In Pipes

  • Async Pipe

  • Custom Pipes

  • @Injectable and Custom Services


Java Spring Boot Description

In this course we will start from basics and learn all key features of Spring boot from development to deployment.

Some of the major topic that we will cover this would be

  • Development environment setup
  • Demo application overview for the course
  • Creation the rest web-services
  • Creation of sample web-application
  • Profiles and properties
  • Logging
  • Security
  • Production grade feature like actuator.
  • Deployment



Course content

Basics in Angularjs FundamentalsPreview00:15
Angularjs Fundamentals MVC00:15
Angular Components partAPreview00:15
Angularjs Fundamentals httpServices00:08
AngularJS Component Unit Test00:15
Angular Components partB00:15
Angular Components part c00:05
AngularJS Component sum ComponentName HTML00:15
Angular Directives00:15
Angular Promises 100:15
Angular Promises 200:15
Angular Promises Part 300:07
Angular Project00:12
Angular Project -200:15
Debugging Angularjs00:08
Javascript debugging in chrome basics 200:15
SpringBoot Rest Web Service setup projectPreview00:15
How to SpringBoot basics for non java developers00:15
Java Microservices Spring Security JWT 00200:15
Linux commands for java developers00:50


This course includes
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion